
Application Design, Full-Stack Rails & JavaScript Development

Full-Stack Ruby on Rails web application I designed and developed from the ground up as my project for App Academy. Students can track, share, and discover new Bay Area resources and opportunites within the software industry after graduation.

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Game & Graphic Design, JavaScript & HTML5 Development


My JavaScript tribute to the legendary mobile game Flappy Bird. With a slightly more scatalogical tone.. All original graphics created in Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop.

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Paint on rubyMVC

Ruby Web Application Framework Design & Development, PostgreSQL Integration, jQuery Front-End Development

Paint on rubyMVC

Simple jQuery & JavaScript paint app, running on my full-stack web application framework written in Ruby a la Rails. Generates an ORM of a PostgreSQL DB much like Active Record. Renders views (ERB Templates with data binding), generates cookies and flash storage, and handles nested parameters.

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